This blog was created for sole purpose of completing my EDU 3053 coursework assignment. The content may and may not be true.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


One of the most popular verb games for kids learning about grammar is called SWAT, and you can play this game with verbs very easily.
 You need a:
Fly swatters. 
Before the game begins, brainstorm as many sentences as you have students so that everyone in the classroom will play twice. 
Break the room up into two teams. Make three big boxes (about 2’ x 2’) 
and inside of them, write “helping,” “action,” and “linking,” which are the three kinds of verbs. Designate one student from each team to be a team secretary, tallying up the points their teammates earn. 
For each turn of SWAT, have two students (one from each team) come up to the board. Have them each hold a fly swatter in hand. Then, read aloud one of your sentences. Their job is to swat at the correct box as soon as possible, identifying correctly whether the verb is a helping, action, or linking verb. 
Make sure to finally reveal the right answer and confirm who (if anyone) earns a point from the turn. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.